The Transmission of Light - Dogen Barry Magid February 10th 2018

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The Transmission of Light, Case 52 Dogen

Dogen studied with Zen master Rujing.
Once during meditation sitting late at night, Rujing said to the assembly, "Zen study is the shedding of body and mind."
Hearing this, suddenly dogen was greatly enlightened. He went right to the abbot's room and lit incense.
Rujing asked him, "What are you burning incense for?"
Dogen said, "My body and mind have been shed."
Rujing said, "Body and mind shed, shed body and mind."
Dogen said, "This is a temporary byway. Don't approve me arbitrarily."
Rujing said, "I'm not."
Dogen asked, "What is that which isn't given arbitrary approval?"
Rujing said, "Shedding body and mind."
Dogen bowed.
Rujing said, "The shedding is shed."

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Barry Magid February 17th 2018 The Transmission of Light - Ejo

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Barry Magid January 27th 2018 The Transmission of Light - Rujing

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