OMZ is closed Saturday, May 4th. Sesshin will be via Zoom only.

Four Men Shaking - A Book Talk with Larry Shainberg Barry Magid January 25th 2020

Larry Shainberg, author of Ambivalent Zen and Brain Surgeon, visited OMZ on Saturday, January 25th, to read from his latest book, Four Men Shaking, which détails his relationships with three very different men: Samuel Beckett, Norman Mailer and Kyudo Roshi.

Larry regaled the sangha with stories of drinking Irish whiskey in Beckett’s hotel room, thumb wrestling with Norman Mailer, and trying to decipher Kyudo’s Roshi’s enigmatic teachings while riding in the back seat from Kennedy Airport.

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Barry Magid February 1st 2020 How is your life supposed to go?

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Barry Magid January 25th 2020 January -25 2020

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